Salut Verda
Salut Verda was born as a personal project to give people a space to take care of their health, where they can express their concerns and be heard, where they will find a personalized and careful attention, added to a professional treatment backed by a solid academic training.
We understand Health as a state of balance and well-being between physical, biological, emotional and social factors that allow adequate growth and development in all areas of life
Every day, with greater force, medicine tends to have as its center the Health and not the disease, and therefore we must develop all the measures of individual and collective character that have to do with the Promotion of Health and the Prevention of diseases. .
Our goal is to offer the best health care to prevent future ailments and restore the health of our patients.
Sometimes it tends to separate in an almost irreconcilable way the Allopathic or Conventional Medicine of Natural Medicine to treat the problems of our Health. But this, in our opinion, is not correct since both medicines complement each other and together constitute an extraordinary tool to achieve the same goal, our well-being.
Integrative Medicine is one that combines both ways of approaching the patient, we want the restitution of health, we look for the origin of the problems and we minimize the unwanted side effects; it is not enough to alleviate symptoms.
Our vision of Health allows us to provide a global treatment combining Natural Medicine Therapies that have proven to be effective, along with Conventional Medicine that is supported by years of experience and research. Reconciling both Medicines is our greatest aspiration. Rescuing from each of them the best for each patient, helps us avoid unwanted side effects, restore balance and improve their quality of life.

Dra. Milagros Velez
General practitioner, Dietitian / Nutritionist
Integrative Medicine